It is no secret that the factory went overboard with RTV on the FA24 engine in both the GR86 & BRZ. The excess sealant during assembly has a tendency to break off and wind up in areas critical to your oiling system and ultimatley drawn into the oil pickup.
The Killer B Motorsport Oil Pickup Pre-Filter prevents your OEM pickup from clogging by keeping that sealant out.
• Prevents large Silicone Pieces from Clogging the OEM Pickup Screen.
• Textured surface reduces silicone cling, Releasing During Oil Changes.
• Engine oil Compatible, tested to 300°.
• Can Reduce Funneling (starvation) during low oil level conditions.
• Easier to inspect at Oil Changes.
• Improves oil Flow Capacity.
• Easy Install Sure-Lock Clips.
• Does not require removal of OEM pickup to install.