Whiteline Rear Toe Arms have been designed for lowered vehicles that need improved rear camber settings. These rear toe arms will allow for precise toe alignment tuning of the rear suspension and will come complete with factory toe lockout washers to help maintain the desired settings. These will be sold as a pair and will come provided with hardware to make them ready for the installation.
If you were able to view the front tyres of a vehicle from above the car, you would expect them to look exactly parallel to each other. In fact, they rarely are. The difference in distance between the front edge of the tyres and the rear edge is called toe. Toe describes how close to parallel the two tyres are, and whether they are toed-in (closer at the front of the tyre) or toed-out (closer at the rear of the tyre). The goal of toe is to provide proper tyre wear through various driving conditions. The amount of toe your suspension is set to varies by the drive layout of your vehicle, driving preference, and car's handling characteristics. On a rear-wheel-driven car, acceleration forces on the tyre tend t o push the front tyres back slightly in the wheel well. Static toe-in will result in a zero-toe situation at speed. For a front-wheel-driven vehicle, the front wheels will pull themselves forward in the wheel wells under acceleration. This happens because as the (driven) front wheels claw for traction, they pull themselves forward, dragging the rest of the car along. For this situation, static toe-out will result in a zero-toe condition at speed. Assuming that the rest of the suspension is correctly aligned and maintained, and the tyres properly inflated, toe-in will result in additional understeer for the car. In a corner the inside front tyre will turn at less of an angle than the outside tyre. Additionally, excessive toe-in will result in premature tyre wear through feathering, and increased fuel consumption. Conversely, toe-out will result in additional oversteer for the vehicle. This occurs as the inside front tyre turns at a greater angle than the outside tyre. Thus, in a corner, the inside tyre is trying to turn even more than the heavily-loaded outside tyre. Excessive toe-out will also result in premature tyre wear due to feathering, and increased fuel consumption.